KHS Student Earns Rare Perfect Score on AP Exam

The Kings Local School District celebrates Kings High School junior, Samuel Webster for earning a perfect score on a college-level Advanced Placement® (AP®) Exam in spring 2021.
Out of over 102,000 test-takers, Samuel was one of only 335 students in the world to earn every point possible on the AP Computer Science Principles Exam.
Kings High School Principal Doug Leist had this to say, “This is a tremendous achievement and we couldn’t be more proud of Samuel’s accomplishment. One of only 335 students in the world… and he is in our school! This is further evidence that if students commit themselves to take advantage of the academic opportunities we have in our district, achievement can be found just around the corner! We have only offered this AP course for a few years and AP Computer Science Principles teacher Mr. Sam Mizener has done a remarkable job preparing his students and making this program one of the best in the state.”
“AP courses and exams are college-level, requiring great focus and persistence among participating students,” said Trevor Packer, head of the Advanced Placement Program. “We applaud the educators who encourage students to challenge themselves, who motivate and encourage diverse students to achieve their academic potential.”
The Advanced Placement Program is committed to ensuring that students have access to the opportunities they have earned. Students who succeed in AP are not only more likely to succeed in college but have the chance to save a significant amount of time and money by earning college credit or placement.
Colleges and universities around the world receive AP scores for college credit, advanced placement, and/or consideration in the admission process. To learn more about AP, please visit