Kings Releases Reopening Plan for 2020-2021

The plan to reopen Kings Schools for the 2020-2021 school year was released on Thursday, July 16, 2020. This plan was presented to the Kings Board of Education on Tuesday, July 14.
We are offering two options for the return to school; Option 1 - return to the school building for in-person instruction and Option 2 - Distance Learning at home through a third party vendor. Next week, we will be releasing more detailed information on Option 2, the Distance Learning Plan.
This plan is a fluid plan and is subject to change based on any new state and federal guidelines. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the plan. Kings Local School District's Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year.
If you have any questions about the plan, please click here to submit your question(s) for our Reopening FAQ that we will be sharing with the community.
Lastly, during the week of July 27, we will be asking you to submit your intent regarding your student(s) return to school. Your participation in this process is extremely important as we plan for transportation and building needs. Please watch your email for that to arrive.
We know these are difficult times. Much care and thought have gone into creating this plan. hank you for your patience as we all work together to educate our children as safe as possible.