Kings Kids Before and After School Programs
Mimi Connolly, Director
513-398-8050, ext. 10040
Kings Kids Before and After School Registration
Kings Kids Before and After school program registration 2025-2026 will be available in March.
Kings Kids Before and After School programs for grades Kindergarten - 6th grade.
We wanted to inform you on how the registration process will take place this year as it is a little different from previous years. To secure your child's spot, please complete the Google form. One form must be completed per child, not per family. This form MUST be received to be considered for the 2024 - 2025 Kings Kids Before and After School Program. You will receive a separate email confirming that you have either secured a spot or are on the waiting list. This process does take time. We hope to let families know by May 3, 2024. Please note, that the earlier you get in your Google form, the better your chance is of acceptance. We do typically tend to fill up quickly.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/
Below you will find the costs for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Tuition rates have increased because of the increase in costs for the program. We have kept our rates in line with other local childcare centers.
Before and After School Options Weekly Fee
Options |
Half Day - AM or PM |
Full Day AM & PM |
1-2 Days |
$50 |
$80 |
3-5 Days |
$100 |
$160 |
Non-refundable registration fee $100.00
Reminders with the 2024-2025 school year:
The Kings Kids Before School program at CIS will open from 6:30 am - 9:30 am.
Kings Kids will be dismissed to their classrooms when the school day starts at 9:15 am.
We will not have bussing to take the kids from their home buildings to CIS due to the different start times at each elementary school building. Your child will need to be dropped off at the Kings Kids Before program at the CIS building in the morning. In the afternoon, the CIS kids will be bussed to their home schools. The bussing is still yet to be determined.
We anticipate that all of our elementary buildings will be open AM and PM Monday - Friday. They will be open 6:30 - 8:30 am and 2:30 - 6:00 pm.
We will be charging the registration fee when we send out acceptance and waitlist emails. Families on the waitlist will not be charged a registration fee.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Before and After Director, Mimi Connolly at mconnolly@kingslocal.net
Contact information for the Kings Kids program:
Childcare Director, Mimi Connolly
Kings Kids locations:
JFB: 513-398-8050 X16313
KME: 513-398-8050 X14100
SLE: 513-398-8050 X15032
CIS: 513-398-8050 x13024
Kings Kids will be available at all the elementary buildings. If your child attends CIS Kings Kids in the Before Program, they will start their day at CIS. In the afternoon any CIS student attending the Kings Kids After school program will be bussed back to their home elementary.
Kings Kids Before and After School Program is closed when Kings Local School District is closed for snow or inclement weather.
When the district is placed on a 2-hour delay, the program will open 2 hours later at 8:30AM at JFB, SLE, and KME.

The purpose of this program is to provide quality care and a safe environment for children before and after school. Kings Kids adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Ohio Department of Education with regards to student/staff ratios, required in-service training and professional development.
Program Hours:
Morning program begins at 6:30 a.m. until children go to their classrooms. The afternoon program begins when school is dismissed and is available until 6 p.m. As a courtesy to our staff, parents are asked to pick up children before the program closes at 6 p.m. Additional fees will be charged if a parent is unable to pick up by 6 p.m.

Program Activities:
Every elementary building has designated childcare classroom space. Students are provided time to do homework and Kings Kids Staff are available to provide homework assistance. In addition children will be able to participate in a variety of activities such as crafts, outdoor/indoor play, group and individual reading, puzzles/games and imaginative play. Kings Kids Childcare curriculum meets Ohio Department of Education criteria.
A light breakfast of cereal and milk is offered each morning. Snacks are provided after school. These are included in the child’s fees. Snack menus are posted at each childcare location. Individual children’s allergies are taken into consideration.